伴奏·Orbit You - 烧不尽

『插曲·Orbit You·伴奏』“When I hold you, I hold the infinity sky”长佩文学 回南雀原著, 猫耳FM携手声罗万象联合出品,全一季现代都市广播剧《烧不尽》,1月30日起,每周日猫耳FM独家播出,欢迎收听。制作:声罗万象工作室监制:聊聊@不晓得唱歌作词:恨醉@-恨醉-作曲/编曲:动点电吉他:N·H·I海报设计:长夜蓝@长夜蓝_cyl海报题字:川川@梅梢月-——伴奏开放非商业翻唱授权,发布请注明出处并标注版权属于声罗万象工作室所有。请勿二次填词或用于其他商业用途。——歌词:Billions of people say,they tell secrets to the sky,but the sky has never answered even a sigh.In space there are too many guttering stars,and too many muttering creatures like us.We are nobody. We are dust.One day we fade away. The sun also rise(s).But why when you settle into my eyes,I see on Pegasus a spark bursted into fire?Why when we breath under the same sky,the scent of roses comes from the Orion arm?Why when you whisper in my ear,a love song from Leo echos in my mind?Why when your lips overlap mine,I feel like drinking wine by the Milky Way side?Maybe we are nobody for these grand stars,but for me, without you all the planets are dust.If I lose you, my sun will never rise.When I hold you, I hold the infinity sky.



