3D励志 垫底辣妹 Brand New Day木木的3D音乐 - 【3D环绕】失眠治愈音乐体验馆(木木的3D音乐实验室)

“世界上最大的谎言就是你不行!”歌曲:Brand New Day歌手:瀬川英史On your lips is the kiss of the sunrise you missed.唇齿间是我曾惦念的晨曦Round my arms held you softly dreaming温暖的臂弯,添补破碎的梦On my heart is the mark of the first time you said心中是你绘制的美好蓝图'We won't change not today not ever'我无时无刻不渴望着改变It's a brand new day这将是崭新的一天It's a brand new day这将是崭新的一天The future comes dancing like our rise未来的舞台正等待我的到来Head over heels utter the chance交付满意的答卷Can you feel it coming?你能否感受得到?You shine on the world the hot spotlight感受这聚集于身的光芒Hyping on the cool dark night寒冷的漫漫长夜中In shades of orange purple grey forever say斑斓光彩久伴于身Changing everything but us, day and night这将改变曾经的一切This is, this is, this is a brand new day这是 这是崭新的一天You are, you are, you are my brand new day你是 你是我重燃的希望Woah-oh, woah-oh, you are my brand new day喔喔 哦 喔喔 你是美好的未来!



