3D天籁欧美男声串烧 单曲循环不能停!木木的3D音乐实验室 - 【3D环绕】失眠治愈音乐体验馆(木木的3D音乐实验室)

3D天籁男声串烧,俘获你的耳朵,只需一首歌的时间!喜欢我作品的朋友可以关注一下我哦。之前我制作的这首3D音乐被M站的素然黑剽窃了,去找他理论竟然还不承认,感谢M站帮我下架素然黑剽窃的我的作品。串烧歌曲:PayphoneCall me maybeWide awakeStarshipsWe are young歌曲:Best of 2012 Pop Mash-Up 演唱:Anthem Lights  I’m at a payphone我在公共电话前I threw a wish in the well我对着许愿井许了一个愿Don’t ask me I’ll never tell不要问我是什么,我永远不会说出来I looked to you as it fell当我看着你就如同坠入了情网And now you’re in my way而现在你出现在我的世界中I trade my soul for a wish我愿意为了这个愿望交出我的灵魂Pennies and dimes for a kiss愿意用金钱来换一个吻I wasn't looking for this我并不期待这些But now you’re in my way但现在你出现在我的世界中I've wasted my nights我虚度了我的夜晚You turned out the lights你熄灭了我的光明Now I’m paralyzed现在我瘫痪了Still stuck in that time when we called it love依然卡在了那段被我们称作“爱”的时光里But even the sun sets in paradise但即使是天堂,也会有日落I’m at a payphone我站在公共电话前Hey I just met you嘿我才刚遇到你And this is crazy这太疯狂了But here’s my number但这是我的号码So call me maybe所以打给我吧?It’s hard to look right我很难看准一个人At you baby但你是,宝贝Here’s my number这是我的号码I’m at a payphone trying to call home我站在公共电话前想给家里打电话All of my change I spent on you但我所有的零钱都花在你身上了Where have the time gone时间都去哪了?Baby it’s all wrong宝贝这些全都错了Where are the plans we made for two我们共同制定的计划去哪了?If happy ever after did exist如果幸福真的永远存在I would still be holding you like this我还会像那样拥抱着你All those fairy tales are full of it所有童话都是骗人的One more stupid love song I’ll be sick再唱一首情歌我就要恶心了Yeah falling from cloud nine从九层云霄跌落Crashing from the high我在高空中崩溃Letting go tonight今晚我要放手一搏Falling from cloud nine从九层云霄跌落Star-ships were meant to fly星舰马上就要发射Hands up and touch the sky举起双手触碰天空Let’s do this one last time让我们做最后一遍Let’s do this one more time让我们再做一遍One more time再做一遍One more time再做一遍Tonight今晚We are young我们依然年轻So let’s set the world on fire让我们给世界点火We can burn brighter我们可以灿烂地燃烧Than the sun比太阳还灿烂Tonight今晚We are young我们依然年轻So let’s set the world on fire让我们给世界点火We can burn brighter我们可以灿烂地燃烧Than the sun比太阳还灿烂Tonight今晚Call me maybe at a payphone在公共电话打电话给我wide awake and standing on梦初醒来站在a star-ship waiting while星舰上等待we’re young我们依然年轻tonight今晚



